Sunday, April 13, 2008


This is a difficult question that you'll have different answers in others opinions. From my perspective, my most important thing is money. I have several reasons in this opinion.
First of all, love is an uncertain thing. It's just a temporary felling that people have for the opposite sex base on their appearances (it occasionally bases on personalities too). Those feelings can disappear when the romantic partners's environment change or the meet a better one. For example, they involve with the permission from their own families or one have an accident,.... So it's pretty easy to cheat and have other one.
Second, money is a believable thing and actually very vital in life. Without money, you can't alive because you don't have food, clothes or anything else. When you don't have love, you can still have the other entertainments, but you don't have money, you must be homeless and hungry (maybe you can die at less). You lose this love, you can have others, but you lose money, you have nothing. In my country, they have this proverb: "Money is Gob; have money, have everything ". I like this proverb a lot!
All in all, in my opinion, money is more necessary than love. However, that's just my opinion about this topic. How about your perspective? You want money? or you will choose your love? I look forward to seeing your comments.


Cherry said...

Hey girl! I cannot believe that you love money so much like that. I know money is very important in the mordel life because without money you cannot do everything you want such as studying abroad, traveling, or going to luxury restaurant. I agree with you about this point. Yet let consider about the love. It is something that you cannot use money to buy because it is priceless. If somedays you feel lonely, you will realize that love is vital important to you. For example, On Christmas day, you will see everyone is happy with their farmily, and they decorate X-Mas trees, cook for delicious meals,ect. You will be sad because no one is beside you. I am afraid of loneliness so I need love, and I think it is the most important in my life.

AZUL said...

well_well. I respect your opinion. I don't know what I say, but you're very yong even in my age I can give you a good advace.K remember something we have time to study, work(get money),travel, lost money,be happy, be sad and love. We love our family, friends and pets. Not only a partner. One day, you will find s.o to love and may be you chance you priorities that are aceptable too.____Yami

kelly said...

I probably will choose money either because money is so important in life, but I may need some love in my life also, so it's confusing @@